Taking a detour off the career path to live Jesuit values

Taking a detour off the career path to live Jesuit values January 3, 2017


A bit late to the party with noticing this (file that under “need better work-life rhythm,” or maybe under “productivity isn’t everything and may in fact be illusory.”)  Anyway, great article about six kids trying to figure out life, work, the universe, and everything:

Hope for the future arrives in the capital on the fourth weekend of August. There are six of them. Angela. Camille. Hanna. John. Liz. Noah. They are between ages 21 and 23. Five of them are vegetarians. Four are from the West Coast. They all went to Catholic universities, although only half are Catholic themselves. Two wanted to join the Peace Corps, but it didn’t work out. Each has different conceptions of God and religion, but all six believe that this is where they are meant to be: settling into a cozy, cluttered rowhouse in the Park View neighborhood of Northwest Washington, on the cusp of a year of service with the Jesuit Volunteer Corps. [Read more]

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