Friday Links — February 20, 2009

Friday Links — February 20, 2009 February 20, 2009
  • MuslimMatters has a four-part post on child molestation in the Muslim community. Parts one, two, and three have been published.
  • In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, a group of women gathered this week for “Musawah,” a global movement to promote justice and equality in the Muslim family unite. Coverage here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.
  • The U.N. is “surprised” at the major role women often play in sex trafficking.
  • Gossip about Benazir Bhutto’s niece.
  • The Norwegian government’s decision to rethink its earlier approval to amend the police uniform law to accommodate hijab is upsetting those in the Swedish Muslim community. Summary of the issue here.
  • The Federation of Muslim Women’s Association in Ghana organized a seminar about “Achievements and Challenges of Muslim Women in Ghana.” They did so in coordination with Iranian groups, which resulted in some Ghanaian women’s groups protestt of the seminar.
  • Two women in Norwich, U.K., have set up The Neesa Project, a group that meets to offer advice and a social atmosphere for other Muslim women in the area.
  • The American Chronicle reviews Shaila Abdullah’s new book, Saffron Dreams.
  • The National attempts to emphasize the humanity of domestic help–a side that is often overlooked by domestic workers’ employers.
  • A young Pakistani girl fights the Taleban the only way she knows how: by writing. Jezebel wonders whether her high-profile status is a good idea.
  • We’ve been updating the Muslim community’s response to the murder of Aasiya Hassan all this week. But here are some good links from non-Muslim sources: Jezebel, Shakesville, Feminsting. I’ll post more as I find them.

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