November 4, 2015

This post is written by Guest Contributor Fatin Marini (@FatinMarini1) As of this writing, the author has watched up until episode 5. We will have a follow up post soon!    When I first heard about ABC’s Quantico, I rolled my eyes. A show about FBI recruits, one of which was a Muslim hijabi woman, with an Indian leading lady and a terrorist attack? I knew where this was heading. It was going to be Homeland all over again. And I... Read more

November 3, 2015

This post was written by Guest contributor Seema Shafei (@seemashafei)   As a Libyan living abroad, I have been struck by the growing celebration of Libyan women’s culinary skills by other Libyan women on social media. During rough times in Libya because of political instability, Facebook became an outlet for women all across the country to not only connect with their loved ones, but to show off to them. Although some might critique the fact that women often remain restricted... Read more

November 2, 2015

This post was written by guest contributor Shereen Malherbe (@malherbegirl). Headline grabbing assertions made by British MP Baroness Cox regarding Muslim men having up to 20 children each have been condemned by the Muslim community. In search of the representation of women in the UK media, it didn’t take me long to come across the Telegraph article where the “20 children” claim appears among a number of other statements about egregious violations of women’s rights by Muslim men under Sharia law. Baroness... Read more

October 30, 2015

Afghanistan Afghan rights activist Aziza Rahimzada has been nominated for the International Children’s Peace Prize – an award previously won by Malala Yousafzai – and, like her Pakistani counterpart, hopes to spread her message of universal education and fundamental rights for Afghanistan’s youth. Australia A man attacked a 21-year-old Muslim woman outside the State Library of Victoria. The man then reportedly held a knife at a Muslim boy, 16, who tried to intervene. Although the police launched an investigation, a... Read more

October 29, 2015

This article was written by guest contributor Stéphanie Renée Roy (@LGD_Stephy). She blogs at Love God Diversity.  For better or for worse, many of us now spend much of our time interacting online on social media. In fact, in June 2015, Facebook estimated 968 million daily users. Facebook has prided itself on reaching out to a variety of communities, including aligning itself with non-profit organisations to provide internet access in remote areas. With that said, Facebook is still very much... Read more

October 28, 2015

This post is written by Guest Contributor, Sarabi N. Eventide (@SarabiNEventide).  By the grace of God, I have been afforded the opportunity to study in Paris next semester. I’ve been longing to go to France since I was a little girl; I spent many a day pretending I was born in the campagne (countryside) or by the rivière (river). In high school I always made sure I completed my French homework, if nothing else. Now, in university, I force myself... Read more

October 27, 2015

A Call for Action from #MuslimMaleAllies to Pledge to End #AllMalePanels at Muslim Events – A Grassroots Collaborative Initiative This post is co-authored by Shehnaz Haqqani, Sabina Khan-Ibarra and Zahra Khan.  Because of the trend of all-male panels at Muslim events – as recently publicized through Twitter conversations with the hashtags #AddFemaleSpeakers and #NextTimeRememberHer, Muslim women and their allies have initiated a drive to challenge this patriarchal norm and demand the inclusion of Muslim women in such events. (Yes, Muslim women are aware... Read more

October 26, 2015

This post was written by guest contributor Shereen Malherbe (@malherbegirl). Mariah Idrissi is the first female Muslim model to feature in an H&M advertisement. The advert describes her look as ‘chic’ and Mariah definitely looks chic. Most are applauding this diverse and inclusive step from the world’s second largest retailer for representing Muslim women in the fashion world. The fashion industry is changing…or is it? Muslim women have their own views and as the global Muslim population is the second-largest in the... Read more

October 23, 2015

Canada: MMW’s own Shireen Ahmed was on the CBC radio show The Current talking about what this week’s Canadian election results mean. One take away in Colorlines from the obsession with the niqab in the Canadian election is the #doimatternow campaign, which highlights the relative silence of the major candidates on the issues affecting a majority of Native women (including over a thousand missing and murdered indigenous women since 1980) at the expensive of the extremely small minority of Canadian... Read more

October 21, 2015

This post was written by guest contributor Heba Elsherief (@iamsheba).  “Full stories are as rare as honesty.”  ― Zadie Smith, White Teeth When, in a recent episode of NBC’s Heroes Reborn, a prayer mat appears atop an expansive and pristine Arctic landscape, my pulse quickened. A woman could be seen completing the prayer, Dhuhr or Asr if one considers the brightness of the day, and because the TV medium (indeed, like many narrative forms) encourages audiences to give into the “suspension... Read more

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