February 19, 2016

  One of my Lenten resolutions was to spend less time on social media. I limited my computer browser’s time to just one hour a day using the Google Chrome extension “StayFocusd” and it’s helped a lot. The time that I would usually waste scrolling through my social media feed has been spent going to Daily Mass, Adoration, and working on my novel. Something I noticed as I considered social activities in town is that while I love having my... Read more

February 18, 2016

I was hyped up for Inheritance as soon as Audrey Assad announced that she was starting work on this particular album. This particular album consists of some familiar hymns from both Catholic and Protestant traditions as well as a couple of original tracks. If you’re looking for an album to be your Lent soundtrack, this one (as well as her previous album Fortunate Fall) is it. Without further ado, a track-by-track review: 1) Ubi Caritas: Many traditional and pre-Vatican 2 Catholics... Read more

February 17, 2016

This next installment of my “Catholic Dating Problems” series is a response to Melinda Selmys’s blog post. Everyone has probably heard the term “flirt and convert” or “missionary dating,” in which a person of faith dates someone outside of his or her denomination (or an atheist/agnostic) in the hopes of both winning their love and saving their souls. I mean, if it worked for J.R.R. Tolkien, it could work for the modern young adult, right? I asked my fellow Catholic young... Read more

February 16, 2016

  I have a love-hate relationship with modern day slang. I had to deal with “swagger” being a thing during my college days, but nowadays, the latest millenial slang is pretty good. I love how “goals” is a thing along with “#squadgoals” and #relationshipgoals.” We all should have goals and aspire to have an awesome life. I also love “slay,” cuz, you know, vampire slayer lover here! There is one word I refuse to use in reference to myself, though:... Read more

February 15, 2016

It’s hard for me to be quiet for long. Although I don’t like noisy, crowded rooms, I love having my music around so much that my headphones are practically glued to my ears. I hate making small talk, but if the conversation centers on Doctor Who or Buffy, I’m more than likely to talk someone ear off. There’s a calm to the quiet, but it’s still unsettling to my modern mind, which is so used to having some kind of... Read more

February 14, 2016

  Happy Valentine’s Day! As everyone already knows, single people have a hard enough time dealing with their single status every other day of the year, but there’s something about Valentine’s Day that makes being single even more loathsome. When you’re a single Catholic young adult, the dating scene becomes a lot more complicated and being single is about 10x harder. I shared this article on my Facebook and got the following response:   Jillian W.:  I have the exact opposite problem.... Read more

February 12, 2016

Since I talked about Saint John Paul the Great and Pope Benedict yesterday, it’s only fair that I put Pope Francis in the limelight today. — 1 — Aleteia shared this wonderful video from Pope Francis’s General Audience a few days ago. One can’t help but recall how Jesus went to visit the daughter of Jairus. I pray that this girl will receive great blessings and healing. — 2 — Fellow Pope Francis fangirl Ana Plumlee shared me this article... Read more

February 11, 2016

What the heck does the father of our country have in common with a saint and a pope emeritus? You’d be surprised. I still remember how I felt when I woke up a few years ago on the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes and heard the news of Pope Benedict choosing to step down as Pope. As someone who grew up in the JP2 Generation, watching a pope choose to step down instead of waiting until God calls him... Read more

February 10, 2016

This year on Heart of Mary Women’s Fellowship, my fellow Bible study writers and I have all collaborated for the awesome Lent Bible Study which focuses on the Stations of the Cross and saints that “give witness” to each particular station. On Saturdays, there will be a meditation on some Catholic hymns. To quote today’s introduction by Christine Cooney: Does this sound like a lot to you? Because it’s not. We’re taking it all day by day, and to help... Read more

February 9, 2016

Shrove Tuesday or Mardi Gras is known as the day that many Catholics indulge in a lot of eating before the Ash Wednesday fast tomorrow. My friend Susi, however, shared a little known fact about this particular day. Today is also the Feast of the Holy Face of Jesus. What is the Holy Face of Jesus, you ask? It’s the image of Jesus that was imprinted on the veil of Saint Veronica. The veil is kept in St. Peter’s Basilica... Read more

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