George Carlin

George Carlin June 23, 2008

Please be warned! The Youtube video below contains lots and lots of dirty words.

George Carlin

May 12, 1937 – June 22, 2008

George Carlin was a biting wit with a critical eye and became an important voice examining our American culture. I am saddened to learn his voice has been silenced.

As an aside I find him an interesting victim of pseudography. According to there are at least ten articles floating around the web falsely attributed to him. On the one hand I guess that can be considered an honor, that people feel his name carries sufficient weight they want to put his signature on their ruminations. And it certainly is a venerable tradition, several of the Gospels in the New Testament and about half of the letters attributed to Paul are almost certainly examples of pseudography. But, at least in Carlin’s case, the results are for the most part unmitigated crap, sappy, hyper-patriotic, arch conservative, drivel…

Too bad. He deserves better.

I know I will miss him…

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