Universal Precepts, Part Two

Universal Precepts, Part Two June 22, 2008

First, I apologize for the fact these ruminations are not orderly. This post probably should precede the previous “universal precepts” reflection. But, this blog is for random firings of the old synapses. And this is just how it is in the Monkey Mind universe…

I’m moderately confident there is something deep within the human consciousness that births as expressions of “right” behavior. I’m also certain the issue is clouded by all sorts of other needs, some noble, others base…

But at this moment my concerns are for the mother source. I’m sure there’s all sorts of stuff related to our being mammals, and of a herd sub-set. But, also I suspect very much, it has to do with our innate quest for pattern. Which, as I’ve asserted upon numerous occasion, is right up there with our opposable thumbs as central to our becoming top species on the planet. Our ability to discern pattern allows us many things, among them to get a sense of how things work way beyond figuring out how to use a stick as a tool, and to project into time and therefore to anticipate behaviors of others in a way no other animal seems able to.

I think our ability and our need to see pattern prejudices us toward order. And our mammalian inheritance and particularly our herd sub-set prejudices us toward relationship.

Taken together, this is the mother source, as I see it.

Should this be true, a lot would follow…

For one, and, I’m pretty sure of this, is that all rules that follow are tentative and situational.

And, for another, while this is as important as life and death, we also need to take it with humility and perhaps a touch of humor…

After all, all morality is almost certainly a dance.

I don’t think it’s a waltz. Although there are times…

Nor, a line dance. Although there are times…

And not break-dancing. Although there are times…

Mainly, I suspect it’s the Hokey Pokey…


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