On Looking Within

On Looking Within November 21, 2008

I rather enjoy the various options there are out on the ‘net to psychologically type oneself. There is, after all, little as much fun as looking in a mirror. And there are tons of mirrors out there. For instance one can see what is one’s religion, which Winnie-the-Pooh character one is, what kind of classic movie star one is, etc. etc. What’s not to love?

And recently, at least for me, I’ve discovered a blogger can even learn what type of various sorts their blog is. The other day I found one that determined what gender Monkey Mind is (male by eighty-two percent).

Now, thanks to Kenneth Sutton, I’ve found a site that gives one’s blog a Myers-Briggs typology.

I’ve taken the Myers-Briggs several times over the years and the read on me has shifted.

The first time I took it I was an INFP. (If this interests you, here’s a spot that defines these combinations of letters and what they’re supposed to mean.)

The second time I took it I was an ENFP.

And the third time I took it I was an ENTP.

Let me be honest here. I have little faith in these instruments and their analysis. For me they are slightly more probable than astrological charts. And if you’ve ever read this blog you might guess what I think of astrological charts…

Still, that doesn’t mean they aren’t useful. Particularly if one holds ’em lightly…

Myers Briggs is based upon the work of Carl Jung. For me one of the most important things Jung did was to notice in a formal way the dichotomy between introversion and extroversion. Now there’s a type you can sink your teeth into…

However. You may note while I was originally typed as an introvert, the two subsequent tests seemed to show I’m an extrovert.

If one defines the differences between introvert and extrovert through what behaviors “renew” a person, I’m pretty obviously an introvert. So, I’ve never, never, ever thought spending a night at a bed and breakfast was anything fun. I mean who wants to greet a stranger when stumbling into the kitchen for a morning cup of coffee? Not an introvert, let me tell you…

However my chosen occupation requires lots of face time with others. And I’ve become over the years what I like to call a faux extrovert. I enjoy it, but somewhere along the line I absolutely gotta shut a door.

Having an insight into one’s self is valuable. That a test suggests one’s otherwise is also, I suspect, valuable. Makes one pause. Hopefully…

But, beyond that observation, simple typologies for the most part are just too, well, simplistic.

We live in a world of multiple causality and the human personality is a rather complex mixing of many, many conditions.

And the mirror any simple typology holds up is going to be badly formed and cracked.

Worth playing with, certainly gives one a way to break the ice at a cocktail party (I think, that is, if I found myself in such a situation…), but not something I think one should count on very deeply if one is actually trying to see into her or his heart and mind.

If you want to look within, well, friend, the best way is to sit down, shut up and pay attention.

Your best bet…

The universal solvent.

Doesn’t mean these other systems aren’t fun, and that they don’t sometimes point in true ways to who we are.

Just don’t cling…

Monkey Mind, by the bye, according to Typealyzer is INTP.

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