Calling for Marriage Equality: Wanna Come to a Press Conference?

Calling for Marriage Equality: Wanna Come to a Press Conference? February 9, 2011


February 8, 2011
Contact: The Rev. James Ford, Senior Minister

First Unitarian Church of Providence Votes
to Endorse Marriage Equality

Official announcement to be made on Valentine’s Day, February 14th press conference

Providence – By vote of the entire membership, the congregation of the First Unitarian Church of Providence has elected to endorse marriage equality in the state of Rhode Island. Further, they call upon Rhode Island’s legislators to pass the legislation now before them, and for the Governor to sign it into law.
“This is a very exciting day for us,” said Reverend James Ishmael Ford, the seventeenth minister to be called by the congregation since the church’s beginnings in 1728, “and we are proud to be taking a stand on the side of love.”
“The by-laws of this historic church require that a specific protocol be followed to ensure that all congregants are able to voice their opinions on any given matter. First a congregational meeting is called, where a majority of those present must vote to allow a ballot to be mailed to the entire voting membership. At this time that is four hundred and twelve people. A third of those ballots must be returned, and of those at least two-thirds must vote in the affirmative for the measure to pass. 
“The last time the congregation voted to take a public stance on a social issue like this was in favor of Fair Housing forty years ago.
“With 254 of the 263 ballots received falling into the yes category (and two ballots returned blank), the victory can truly be called overwhelming,” said Ford.
The ballot measure in full: “Whereas, a just society guarantees to all its citizens certain civil rights and, whereas, every adult deserves th opportunity to attain the legal protections and safeguards gained through civil marriage and, whereas the First Unitarian Church of Providence, Rhode Island affirms and promotes the Unitarian Universalist Association’s principles of: the inherent worth and dignity of every person; justice, equity and compassion in human relations and; world community, liberty, peace and justice for all, we, the congregation of the congregation of the First Unitarian Church of Providence, by a vote of our membership, endorse marriage equality in the state of Rhode Island. Further, we call upon Rhode Island’s legislators to pass this legislation and for the Governor of Rhode Island to sign it into law.”
A press conference will be held on Valentine’s Day, February 14th, at First Unitarian’s Meeting House, 1 Benevolent St. Providence, RI 02906 at 11:00 a.m., at which time interviews may be arranged.
On a related note, that respected news organization, the Onion recently reported on the view on this subject from Mrs  Bernard’s High School class in 2083. (Thanks, Erik, for the pointer on this one…)

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