Zen in the OC: A Day Long Zen Meditation Retreat With James Ford & Gesshin Greenwood

Zen in the OC: A Day Long Zen Meditation Retreat With James Ford & Gesshin Greenwood October 19, 2017



An Independent
Soto Zen Buddhist


Join us for a day-long Zazenkai, a Zen meditation retreat on Saturday, the 28th of October.

The retreat begins at 9am and ends at 5pm. It will consist principally of Zen meditation in twenty-five minute periods punctuated with five to seven minute walking meditation. There will also be liturgy, a dharma talk, and opportunity for practice interviews.

Please bring a bag lunch. (There are fast food restaurants in the area, but not conveniently located.)

We will be meeting at the Orange Coast Unitarian Universalist Church, at 2845 Mesa Verde Dr E, in Costa Mesa, California.

Our retreat leaders include Zen priests Gesshin Greenwood and James Ford, who will be assisted by senior dharma teacher Jan Seymour-Ford.

James, Myoun Osho, has been a Soto Zen priest for forty-seven years, is a dharma heir to Houn Jiyu Kennett Roshi, as well as to the lay koan master John Tarrant Roshi. Gesshin Osho trained principally in Japan including three years at the Aichi Senomon Nisodo with the renowned Shundo Aoyama Roshi. She is a dharma successor to Seido Suzuki Roshi. Jan has been practicing Zen for more than twenty-five years and has been authorized as a senior dharma teacher by Melissa Myozen Blacker Roshi.

As this is an intensive seated meditation practice we strongly recommend that you have a regular meditation discipline. If your practice is with any school of Zen or Vipassana you will have no trouble. People with other disciplines are welcome, although we will ask that you conform to the forms of Soto Zen for this retreat.

There is no charge, although a free-will donation is requested to help defray the costs.

For more about the Blue Cliff Zen sangha, our teachers, and our style, please visit our website.

Pre-registration is not required, but it is helpful if you let us know you’re coming.



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