Songs of the Christmas Truce

Songs of the Christmas Truce December 24, 2023

Christmas Truce
by Frederic Villers, 1915





The Christmas Truce was a minor bit of passive resistance on the Western front in the First World War. Which was at the time called the Great War, and to our tastes terribly ironic, War to End all Wars. In 1914 English, French, and German troops paused in the battle. A young German sang Silent night, and was answered by the English and then the French. The troops crossed no man’s land, shared drinks and sweets, and even played a bit of soccer together.

It lasted until the higher ups put a stop to it with threats of executions to follow.

It is a meditation out of the dream worlds, where dreams and possibilities meet.

Worth remembering…

About James Ishmael Ford
James Ishmael Ford is a Unitarian Universalist minister and Zen teacher. You can read more about the author here.
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