October 16, 2009

As many who read this blog know, I belong to a listserv for Zen teachers. It’s pretty low traffic, but when something sparks, it is almost always compelling. Right now the questions turned on the establishment of a Buddhist chapel at the Air Force Academy. There were various opinions about the good and ill of this. Mostly, to my mind, well considered. And I shared some of my own thoughts on the matter, which well considered or not I include... Read more

October 15, 2009

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October 14, 2009

Today is one of those interesting markers that writers of what if fantasy like to explore. This morning in 1066 Harold sat upon the English throne. By evening William of Normandy had become the “conqueror.” What it, what if… Among the what is, however, was that my direct paternal ancestor, father’s father thing, going back to somewhere in the frozen northern lands was part of William’s motley band. And they did okay, apparently, out of this little war. Another war... Read more

October 13, 2009

Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy Read more

October 13, 2009

Yesterday evening as we were setting up for the Zen group, I was in the large room we use for storage just outside the parish hall. I’d bent over to pull a pile of zabutons, the large square cushions used as a base for Zen meditation, out from under a steel and glass desk. It had until a month or so ago been in my office, part of the furniture I’d inherited from a previous minister of the church. After... Read more

October 13, 2009

One of the greats of our culture… Here Paul Simon joins Miriam Makeba… Happy Birthday, Paul! Read more

October 12, 2009

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October 11, 2009

THE ART OF CONVERSATIONA Reflection on Spiritual Practices in Liberal Churches James Ishmael Ford 11 October 2009 First Unitarian Church Providence, Rhode Island Text I did not read books the first summer; I hoed beans. Nay, I often did better than this. There were times when I could not afford to sacrifice the bloom of the present moment to any work, whether of the head or hands. I love a broad margin to my life. Sometimes, in a summer morning,... Read more

October 10, 2009

Forrest Church: Liberal Man of God By Ted Sorensenformer presidential adviser The death of Unitarian minister Forrest Church, a good man at a time when good men and women are very much in need, presents an appropriate moment to reflect on his life. I knew him well for many years, as I knew his wonderful parents before him. Although we came from different backgrounds and worked in different professions, we had much in common: We both came as young, idealistic... Read more

October 9, 2009

I’ve just heard* from my friend and colleague in the Zen way, Jay Weik, that John Daido Loori, Jay’s former teacher, Zen roshi and abbot of the Mountains and Rivers Zen Order died this morning at nine thirty. In the Blue Cliff Record, case fifty-five, we get a pointer on this matter. Here’s the case in John Tarrant & Joan Sutherland’s version. Daowu and Jianyuan went to a house to offer condolences. Jianyuan struck the coffin with his hand and... Read more

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