September 25, 2009

Forrest Church died yesterday. Forrest served our All Souls congregation in Manhattan for nearly three decades. He was also the author of something in the neighborhood of twenty-five books. His interests ranged from liberal Christian theology to American politics. He had a real influence on me. I was much taken with his stance as an evangelical Unitarian Universalist. On any number of occasions I cited his observation that the spiritual quest is grounded in the twin knowings, that we are... Read more

September 24, 2009

Today, Governor Deval Patrick appointed Paul Kirk as interim senator to take the late Edward Kennedy’s seat until a special election can take place. Welcome aboard, Paul! You understand the job you’ve inherited… So, now get to work! Read more

September 24, 2009

There really is a place for the bad attitude… Or, at least, so I think. The last clergy group I belonged to, back in Massachusetts was strictly restricted to folk who by the common agreement of the existing group, had “bad attitude.” Yes, this was a group of people who had vowed their lives in service of the power of some greater, to use a placeholder that isn’t completely satisfactory to name it, love. As I think about it, it... Read more

September 23, 2009

Bruce Frederick Joseph Springsteen was born on this day in 1949… Read more

September 22, 2009

In the video I posted yesterday, my colleague whom I dearly admire, Christine Robinson tries to briefly define our nebulous Unitarian Universalism. She raised the famous anecdote about Hillel who when challenged to explain the whole of the Torah while standing on one foot replied “Do not do to your neighbor what you hate. The rest is commentary.” Christine then said she couldn’t explain Unitarian Universalism while standing on one foot, but, still, gave a pretty good and still pretty... Read more

September 21, 2009

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September 20, 2009

FAITH IN A CHAIR A Consideration of Covenant As a Spiritual Endeavor 20 September 2009 James Ishmael Ford First Unitarian Church Providence, Rhode Island Text We’ve fallen into communion with the feisty, free-spirited Puritans of 450 years ago who advocated freedom of religious conscience and resisted the oppressive powers of church and state. We’ve fallen into communion with the people who believe revelation is not sealed. John Robinson’s words to the departing Pilgrims echo in us still, “The Lord hath... Read more

September 19, 2009

There are of course many holidays, and in our busy times, people tend to neglect their observance. Sad. Think of the neglect that has fallen on the annual Sweater Vestival! Don’t let this happen to Talk Like a Pirate Day! So, talk like a pirate, already! And a thank you to Chris for the Vestival pointer… Aargh! Read more

September 18, 2009

Jeff Kitzes is one of my favorite teachers in the Kwan Um school. Get to know him, it’ll be worth it… Thanks, Barry, for the pointer! Read more

September 18, 2009

September Meditation I do not know if the seasons remember their history or if the days and nights by which we count time remember their own passing.I do not know if the oak tree remembers its planting or if the pine remembers its slow climb toward sun and stars.I do not know if the squirrel remembers last fall’s gathering or if the bluejay remembers the meaning of snow.I do not know if the air remembers September or if the night... Read more

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