March 24, 2009

Oscar Romero died today… Read more

March 23, 2009

Clarence Russell Skinner was born today in 1881. One of the last wave of great Universalist divines, Skinner served most famously as professor of applied Christianity at Crane Theological School, where he also served as dean. Skinner was also founder and for many years “leader” of the Community Church of Boston. A socialist and pacifist Skinner suffered a certain amount of persecution for his politics. And he is considered a central influence in the development of contemporary Unitarian Universalist theology.... Read more

March 22, 2009

I’ve been thinking a lot of late about meaning and purpose. The problem for me in much of revealed religion is how a cosmic plan is laid out that puts everything into place. The reason that its a problem is that these plans don’t seem to map with the reality I witness every day…. After many, many years on the sacred way for me meaning and purpose wasn’t found in a story, although many stories pointed to that meaning and... Read more

March 21, 2009

On one of the listservs to which I subscribe there has been some discussion of Ryokan’s lovely poem, which, in Abe & Haskel’s translation goes If my arms draped in these black robesWere only wide enoughHow gladly would I shelter in themAll the people of this floating world Somehow for me this verse sparked a recollection of Emily Dickinson I dwell in Possibility –A fairer house than Prose –More numerous of Windows –Superior – for Doors – Of chambers as... Read more

March 20, 2009

How absolutely exciting! A movie about the great Eihei Dogen (think sort of a Buddhist combination of a thiner Thomas Aquinas & John of the Cross with just a dash of Thomas Cranmer without the spouse), founder of Soto Zen in Japan. Can’t wait for those panoramic scenes of him sitting facing a wall… I really am stoked & want to see this one. Story of Zen founder premieres at WMU March 16, 2009 KALAMAZOO–In one of its first screenings... Read more

March 20, 2009

The Vernal Equinox is also Norooz (or Norouz) the “Persian New Year,” a celebration rooted in the Zoroastrian tradition. And Zoroastrianism, even its homeopathic impression on a contemporary culture, is just very interesting… I love the goldfish. I can’t figure out why the images of what appear to be African people, and maybe don’t want to know, although they don’t appear to be meant as offensive… If you have time this is a very good survey even if it doesn’t... Read more

March 19, 2009

Edgar Rice Burroughs died on this day in 1950. I was two years old. A decade later, or close to it, a friend and I were rummaging through some boxes of magazines and books looking for old copies of my father’s stash of Playboys. I’ve recounted before I how instead found a cache of Ace paperback editions of Edgar Rice Burrough’s novels, replete with Frank Frazetta covers. I loved those covers… I’m almost positive my first Burroughs novel was At... Read more

March 18, 2009

And it appears she has some Zen friends… Read more

March 18, 2009

THE DIVINE LITURGY OF JESUS, CHILD OF MARY & JOSEPH A Celebration of Communion for Unitarian Universalists Preface For nearly three hundred years it has been the continuous tradition of the First Unitarian Church of Providence to observe several times a year the ancient rite of Communion. A number of rites have been employed over the years. This Unitarian Universalist communion service was compiled and edited by the Reverend James Ishmael Ford, 17th minister of the congregation. The sources upon... Read more

March 17, 2009

As so often is true, thank you, Agnes (don’t forget you can enlarge this by clicking on the image…) Read more

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