5 Hidden Benefits of the 5 Daily Prayers

5 Hidden Benefits of the 5 Daily Prayers January 26, 2018

1. It’s a Form of Meditation

Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

Mindfulness meditation is all the rage these days. There are guided practices on YouTube, classes held on college campuses, etc. And for good reason, since some research has shown that mindfulness meditation can help people be more relaxed and attentive.

Salah is also a similar form of meditation. It calls for us to empty our minds of wandering thoughts and relaxes our bodies. Meditation can be tough to do for long periods of time, but salah typically only takes for 5-15 minutes per prayer (depending on the person). In mindfulness meditation, people are typically told to focus on their breath or physical bodies. In salah, we focus only on God, as if we are standing and bowing directly before Him. It also stretches our bodies in ways similar to some yoga poses, such as the “standing half forward bend” and the “child’s pose.”

For people with mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety, salah can be a much-needed form of relief. Even if someone does not have any illness, salah can help relax their mind and body. It removes us from the hustle-and-bustle of daily life and helps us connect our soul with our Creator.

The next one (on page 3) is great if you like to be productive…

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