Philippians 4 Challenge: Day 2

Philippians 4 Challenge: Day 2 January 11, 2016

Philippians 4 Challenge


The Philippians 4 Challenge is about getting your heart, mind and soul in shape. While that might seem simple, it’s not quite as easy as it sounds. If you’re 100 lbs overweight and haven’t been in the gym in three years, the pounds don’t come off all at once. Your body will scream at you for awhile until you whip it into shape. But you can get there.

The same goes for your heart and mind. If you’ve allowed destructive thoughts to run rampant in your mind, if you’ve allowed cancerous emotions to eat you up from the inside out for years, it will take intentionality and perseverance to break those bad habits. But they can be broken. You can experience the peace, the closeness to God and the contentment described in Day 1. How do you get there? Philippians 4 commands four things (things we’ll get into much greater detail in the coming days):

  1. Choose to be joyful (Phil. 4:4) – If this seems crazy, it’s because you’ve been thinking about joy the wrong way. Joy is not an emotion. It is not a feeling. It is not a mood. Joy is not something out of your control. Joy is an attitude. Joy is a choice.
  2. Pray with thanksgiving (Phil. 4:6) – It’s not enough to pray. You need to pray with thanksgiving. Cultivating gratefulness transforms your mind and your heart.
  3. Think on noble things (Phil. 4:8) – Choose what you think about. Think about positive things, your mind will become healthy. Dwell on negative things, and your heart will turn sour.
  4. Repeat daily (Phil 4:9) – This isn’t accomplished in a day or even a week. Daily, habitual practice will slowly transform you into the person you’ve always wanted to be.



Share in the comments below and answer this question, “Which of the four commands sounds the toughest to you? Which one will be the hardest?”



Heavenly Father, give me the strength, discipline and perseverance to follow the commands you give me in Philippians 4. May the promises come true as I live out your commands. 



Read Philippians 4:4-9 out loud five different times today. Begin to become familiar with the core verses of the Philippians 4 Challenge. After you’re done, encourage others to do the same! Help spread the word about the Philippians 4 Challenge by using #phil4challenge on social media!


If you haven’t yet take the survey, take it now to establish your baseline.



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