Philippians 4 Challenge: Day 7

Philippians 4 Challenge: Day 7 January 16, 2016

HABIT #1: Choose to be joyful.


Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! . . . and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:4,7)

We’re back to habit one: Choose to be joyful. We’re done learning new things. Now we’re turning a corner and trying to make these four habits true disciplines in our lives.

The Bible makes a clear connection between joy and peace. When you choose to be joyful, God’s peace will guard your heart and your mind. In Galatians 5:22, the Bible starts listing the fruits of a Spirit-filled life this way: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace . . .” Joy and peace are intertwined. Choose to be joyful, and peace will follow closely behind.

How does this happen? Think about it this way: when your heart and mind are not at peace, it’s because you’ve allowed outside circumstances to dictate how you feel and how you react. When you choose to be joyful, you’re taking the initiative. You’re choosing how to react. You’re choosing joy. And when you choose to be joyful, God takes that act of faith and transforms it into supernatural peace that will guard your heart and your mind from the attacks of the enemy. Why should you choose to be joyful today? Because joy always leads to peace.


Share in the comments below and answer this question, “What’s something you’ll encounter today that you can intentionally choose to be joyful about (that many others would not)?”


Holy Spirit, as I choose to be joyful today, would your peace guard my mind and my heart in Christ Jesus. Amen.


​You’re a week into the Philippians 4 Challenge. Since you’ve made it this far, share your story! Utilize social media and write a quick summary of the past week and what changes (big or small) that you’ve already begun to see. Use #phil4challenge and we’ll share your stories in upcoming devotionals.



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