August 14, 2024

In 2005, Brad Paisley released a song and video about “Waitin’ on a Woman”* with Andy Griffith. It’s a touching song about the frustrations of having to wait, over and over, on a wife who is always late but continuing to do it out of love. I am a veteran at “Waitin’ on a Man” but in a different context. The song describes the chance encounter of a young husband, getting upset at his wife’s failure to meet up with... Read more

July 3, 2024

The Democratic Party has long touted itself as the party of the people, open to everyone. It is the party of Civil Rights, insisting on inclusion of all races and creeds. Nonetheless, the Democratic Party ostracizes its pro-life members. Since 1992, when the Democratic Convention denied a speaking slot to Gov. Robert Casey, Sr. of Pennsylvania because he was pro-life, the party has become more and more intolerant of its pro-life members. It has refused to support pro-life candidates and... Read more

June 3, 2024

Can there be such a thing as too much money? Most people would say “No!” However, in truth, people can have more money than they need, more money than they should keep for themselves. Oh, I can hear the screams now: “I earned that money! It’s mine! What are you? Some kind of wacko socialist?” Others like Joel Osteen say, “The Lord has blessed me with bounty. God wants me to be rich.” What about the other people who are... Read more

May 28, 2024

We are all familiar with the Bible story about how Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son Isaac to God – an actual human sacrifice that required Abraham to kill his own son and offer him up to God. Human sacrifice was a fairly common practice among Abraham’s pagan neighbors, and it continued for many centuries in different parts of the world. The Canaanites offered their firstborn to Moloch in a ritual fire. Consider also the Aztecs, the Vikings, and... Read more

April 16, 2024

Every year, the gospel for the Second Sunday of Easter is that of John 20: 19-31, which includes the story of doubting Thomas. Every year, I think: “Thomas is getting a bum rap!” After all, would any other apostle in the same situation have had more faith? If any other apostle had been absent when Christ appeared to those assembled, might that person have expressed the same doubts? You have to admit that the story of Christ’s appearance was pretty... Read more

April 6, 2024

Did you know that the Bible refers to a donkey 74 times? Compare that to 14 for a dog, 36 for a horse, 55 for an ox, and 82 for a lion. Sheep get 195 mentions but considering that many of the important figures in the Bible were either literally or figuratively shepherds, that’s understandable. So, the donkey has a prominent position among animals in the Bible. It rates far higher than its fellow working animal, the ox, and comes... Read more

March 11, 2024

This guest blog comes from Heroic Media, a pro-life charity that is leading the branding war against Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry to become women’s #1 preferred provider of women’s healthcare. See: I was so impressed with their blog “Understanding Desire: Maslow’s Hierarchy and Planned Parenthood” that I requested permission to share it here. The following is a clear explanation of the abortion strategy. Understanding this approach that attracts and deceives women into abortions through negative conclusions helps... Read more

February 21, 2024

First we overlook evil. Then we permit evil. Then we legalize evil. Then we promote evil. Then we celebrate evil. Then we persecute those who still call it evil. This description of the progression of evil in society has been making the rounds in social media. I hope people are giving it serious thought because it is exactly what happens. Nazi Steps Think about the Nazis. First, people dismissed Hitler. They put him in jail for an attempted coup, but... Read more

January 30, 2024

On January 11, Crisis magazine published an opinion piece by its editor-in-chief, Eric Sammons, that questioned the value of voting in the 2024 presidential election. He asked: “What’s the Point?” I’d like to answer that question. Sammons gave three reasons for writing off this election cycle as ridiculous. Here’s my summary: 1) “The primaries are foregone conclusions.” They might, indeed, turn out as predicted, but this is American politics, and the course of any campaign can turn on a dime... Read more

January 8, 2024

The story of Kate Cox seeking an abortion in Texas made headlines across the country, and it was a classic example of “Don’t believe what you read/see in the news.” The reports left out a lot of needed information. So, I have questions. It was reported that Cox was denied an abortion by the court because her Planned Parenthood attorney and physician failed to prove that she needed one because of a life-threatening situation. “Failed to prove” – doesn’t that... Read more

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