A Prayer for Mercy

A Prayer for Mercy July 10, 2014

It used to be that the  month of Ramadan would come, and it would be like a signal for the conflicts and tensions of the world involving Muslims to miraculously die down. Well, maybe it was never like that, but it sure feels that way to me in my rose-tinted, clean-scented, Pollyanna of a memory. I mean, Shaitan is shackled this month, right? So that Muslims all over can focus on their ibadaat (worship) and be released from temptations?

The devil may be shackled from personally tempting us, but his devilry is rampant in the horrific things happening all around us, from gun violence in Chicago to continued violence in Syria to the current escalation of destruction, death and mayhem being unleashed on Gaza and Palestine.  Managing tiredness, fasting and work and household responsibilities and my autistic son’s ongoing challenges seems an embarrassment of riches when I read and see the horror and chaos spreading in Palestine, Israel and other places in the world.

Ya Allah, have mercy. Please, have mercy. I don’t know what to do. I feel helpless in the face of such suffering all around. Grant us our Ramadan prayers. Ease my son’s challenges. Give him good health and ease the worries and tensions of his heart and mind. Have mercy on all those suffering. Bring peace to Palestine. End the endless cycle of violence. Help those struggling with poverty. End  the senseless shootings. So many prayers for so many people that my tongue becomes numb and my mind a blur — and when I finish my salat or get ready to break my fast, I can pray — Ya Allah, have mercy. Make it better. Make it all better. Grant us that which is in our hearts, that which You see.

This video is popping up over and over again in my news feed: Masjid Al Aqsa, the third holiest site in Islam and what used to be the Qibla that Muslims prayed to before the Ka’ba was declared the Qibla — under attack. I asked my mom, who visited Masjid al Aqsa in recent years, if the masjid shown in the video really is Al Aqsa. She said, yes — though the real Al Aqsa is underground, the masjid above is where so many pray and is entwined with Al Aqsa. Watch the video. I cannot confirm it’s authenticity, but it seems real enough:


There is this video too of a news report stating that an Israeli minister is calling for the destruction of Al Aqsa (though I’m not sure how current it is. My apologies if it is old):



The possible destruction of a holy site. Dozens of innocents being bombed and killed. How can this all be de-escalated? How will this all end? How can peace be wrenched out of all this?

Ya Allah, have mercy on us all and show us the path to peace.

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