October 25, 2011

Back in 2005, the movie Robots was released, and it quickly became a favorite in our home.  True to our habit, when we really like the message in a movie, we end up watching it over and over. “See a Need, Fill a Need” The main message in Robots has since become my mantra.  When it comes to raising my children in an Islamic home, you often need to come up with your own stuff.  Your own stuff to teach,... Read more

October 20, 2011

So, the other day, I saw a post in my spam filter and it looked like…not spam. It said that my RSS feed wasn’t working. So I spent a good amount of time trying to ping my own RSS feed yesterday to see if it is working right or not. I wasn’t getting anywhere, and then I asked my superblogging friend if she knew anyone who could fix this for me. Then, I went to bed. This morning I pulled... Read more

October 19, 2011

I think it was last week when I stopped off to the library to drop off my library stash and pick up a few things I had on hold.  The ladies were with me and we had a little bit of time before we had to get home for homework.  I thought it was good to let them decompress, and they also needed to choose new reading materials.  Pea has gotten to the age where if she cannot find what... Read more

September 30, 2011

Oh, before I get started.  Jummah Mubarak Friends!  It is the W E E K E N D!!! Woo Hooo TGIF and all that!~   So, today’s plans were thrown off the rocker when Pea had to stay home from school today.  I am not one of those parents who is able to sit still with the sick child and keep them quietly occupied.  I’ve got too many things on my ‘to do’ list.  I do keep them comfy, keep... Read more

September 23, 2011

Heres the thing. I’ve been watching Youtube videos of how to wear hijabs, because when I go to the mosque for the prayer with my family, or I am working and need to take the kids into the prayer room, I just whip my scarf around my head and squish my hair to my head. I know it looks crappy but I don’t know how else to do it and I need to be respectful. I haven’t come up with... Read more

September 20, 2011

September is a busy month for me, not only because it is the beginning of school, back to working outside of my home, Fall soccer season and after-school activities, it is the month that we celebrate the birth of two of my children.  I’m usually a lot more organized than I was this year, but the month just got away from me.  I am so very thankful that over the weekend, I was able to call my family and 1/2... Read more

September 12, 2011

The weekend passed in a flurry of activity starting with Karate on Friday, the Apple Orchard on Saturday and baby showers and birthday boys on Sunday. On Friday, I know we went to Karate…oh yeah and then we went to a meeting at the Masjid. It wasn’t anything to do with September 11, it was the last lingering Eid party. The thing is though that with the organization that was sponsoring the event, is that it is an excellent organization,... Read more

September 9, 2011

It has been ten years, and I remember it all like it was yesterday.  My children ask me about September 11th every year, and this year is no different. My son asked me casually the other day what it was like when the planes crashed into the World Trade Center, and I tell him the same thing I’ve told him every year.  I was driving him to his 2-year-old well check.  I was on the highway and we were listening to... Read more

September 6, 2011

So, most of the weekend I was cooking this awesome post about our outing with the Muslim Youth Group on Saturday, and how when I walked into the bowling alley with my little posse – we didn’t know anyone…but by the time things were in full swing, we actually did know a lot of people. But today is my daughters’ first day back to school and I had this mini-breakdown this morning after walking back to my car.  The only... Read more

September 1, 2011

This morning was not celebratory.  I woke early to my alarm clock because it was my son’s first day of school for this year.  I was blessed with a cup of coffee delivered to me by my thoughtful husband, and it softened the blow of the early morning a bit, and reminded me of how loved I am. Our Eid is always a bit of mismashed up efforts to make a tradition.  We plan, we plan, and then we change... Read more

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