August 29, 2011

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August 29, 2011

Today feels like a Monday morning.  I stayed awake waaay too late last night.  Woke with a headache and the sun was really bright today. Then the phone rang…and the doorbell. A Surprise Visit from MOM!!!  YAY!  Really, it’s been too long since I’ve seen Mom.  You know how life fills up and you end up not being able to let go of all of the daily routine and work that goes along with parenting and family keeping and working.... Read more

August 26, 2011

Over the last month and a half, I have received messages about caring for people in our community that have been neglected.  I’m not talking about those who are in need of food and shelter, I’m talking about abused women and foster children. Do you remember Janelle?  The lady who commented in the “Do You Celebrate Christmas?”  We followed up with her in “Advise for Holiday Struggles”  After reading through all of the comments and suggestions, I too wondered if... Read more

August 25, 2011

Okay, this wasn’t a new recipe.  My step-Mom gave me this recipe last summer and I promptly forgot to make it.  Over last week, we went for a day trip and I was telling her about our Eggplant Haul from the Orchard and Farm that we visit to get our fresh veg and she reminded me of the recipe.  I came home and pulled it out of the “to try” file in my family cookbook. I will give you the... Read more

August 24, 2011

Yesterday I worked most of the morning on creating a necklace charm that was a special order for the Eid. Last night, we attended an Iftar given by a lady who has been a mentor to me for many years now, and her husband, who has known Khaled for even longer. When we walked in, the girls and I took our dessert platter back to the ‘sweets table’ and found the hostess.  We were hugged, smooched and welcomed.  (Secret Handshake... Read more

August 23, 2011

See, I went off on a tangent yesterday, venting about that crappy Iftar and by the time I was done I didn’t have the energy to share the Halaka* part.  Remember, the two things I could remember? One of the things I find so difficult about listening to the lectures at Friday prayers is that even when the Imam is speaking in English, or there is a translator for English, there are Islamic terms or Arabic words thrown in the... Read more

August 22, 2011

To be honest, I can’t remember what exactly we did over the last weekend with the exception of going to an Iftar and my Halaka. After Jummah prayers on Friday, there was an announcement for a community Iftar at the mosque on Saturday.  I waited until after all of the Sunnah prayers were finished and I approached one of the ladies who always says hello to me to ask about the Iftar Dinner.  I have only been to a handful of Iftars in the time we have been... Read more

August 19, 2011

When I started this blog I thought, “if I just put a link up there in the corner to Etsy, people who read this will see that I’ve got a store front.”  I don’t want to keep mentioning it, because it seems tacky to me.  But, I do have a store front, and I am creating stuff, and well, you might like it! The newest addition to the shop made its way there through a special order.  A friend of... Read more

August 19, 2011

LOL.  This recipe came from the same lovely friend as #1.  I think she has an abundance of zucchini.  She’s in good company isn’t she?  Tis the season!  So, my lovely friend scanned me a copy of her recipe and sent it over email style.  I’ve not given it a shot yet because I don’t have any zucchini right now.  (We ate all of ours!) But here’s a link to the website: Taste of Home: Zucchini Pizza Casserole.  Enjoy! Read more

August 19, 2011

Sometime earlier this week there was a discussion about learning how to pray, the requirements of prayer, fasting and general teaching our children to become good Muslims.  We were advised to require our children to pray once they reach the age of 7.  This was surprising to me, as I have always been told that up until the time they reach puberty, they are learning, and not accountable for their Salah.  I was not part of the conversation that was... Read more

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