Medjugorje in Conference California

Medjugorje in Conference California January 26, 2016

It seems MedMARIJAjugorje conferences are making a slow comeback in the United States.

Already announced is the National  Marian (Medjugorje) conference at Notre Dame. I will provide updates when speakers and other information has been finalized.

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Other important voices in the Medjugorje movement will also be speaking,  they include: Fr. Michael Dwyer, Fr. Rodger Fleming, Fr. John Struzzo, Fr. Rick Wendell, Fr.Michael Lightner, Michael Brown. M.C. and Spiritual director: Fr. Stanley Poltorak. 

Sponsor of the Northern California conference is  Two Hearts of Jesus and Mary
9892 Valgrande Way, Elk Grove, CA 95757.
Contact info: 916-686-6354 (Anslim);
Registration fee is $50.00 single Day or weekend; Married Couples: $90.00 for entire weekend.

For reservations, Call Red Lion (Woodlake) Hotel (916) 922 – 2020 and request Marian Conference rate.


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