wine & dinner party

wine & dinner party December 21, 2006

my good friend byron called to say he would be back in town and was i up for a visit. absolutely! he had been living here but has gone to Tyndale College in Toronto for his masters in family systems counseling. huge loss for us, great gain for the school. ANYWAY, Lisa cooked up her famous spaghetti casserole with salad, and we had some Sunrise Merlot (a good Chilean wine at an affordable price of $9.99!) so we sat around and talked for a few hours about everything. byron is one of the most insightful people i know. he has a gift. some call it prophetic. some call it psychic. some call it intuition. some call it coincidence. some call it lucky. whatever. byron has a way of delivering the right word in the right season, and it comes with weight and authority!

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