the study in which i study

the study in which i study December 27, 2006

this is what my home studio looks like. a mess. the desk on the right is for writing and computer work, scanning, printing, etc. the desk on the left is for painting. there’s another desk off to the left behind the wall you can’t see that’s for packing paintings i sell online. plus lisa likes to throw stuff in there to get it outta site when friends come over. it really is too small for what i want to do because i also like to mess around with music, so by the time i set up my guitar and keyboard, it’s time for me to go balistically claustrophobic! up above you see my collection of early church fathers. shelves go right to the ceiling. i received some books for christmas that i’m looking forward to studying. here’s a few of them:

karl barth & eduard thurneyson’s, come holy spirit, a collection of their sermons. rare find!

peter rollins’ how (not) to speak of god. emergent and influential.

t.f. torrance’s theological and natural sciencedeep & important, especially in today’s heat between science & theology!

eugene peterson’s new, christ plays in ten thousand placesi suspect a must read for pastors since peterson writes from a pastoral perspective. i imagine he hasn’t found a true home among traditionalist, moderates or modernists.

richard dawkin’s, the god delusion, because he is sorta the loudest representation of the scientific community.

that’s all for now. more to come!

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