When He is Strong, Then I Am Weak

When He is Strong, Then I Am Weak January 28, 2007

I have a minute to fill you in a bit. We went away for the weekend to the regional pastors and leaders meeting. We stayed in a motel in Moncton. Since my city of Saint John doesn’t have a Chapters or a Starbucks, Lisa and I went early to enjoy these in Moncton. We spent about three hours there, shopping for good books while sipping our double tall lattés. Delicious both ways!

Then we got to our meetings. I’ve come up with a theory that I totally believe is true. Psychoanalysis and counseling itself does very little to cure someone. What studies have shown is that what helps people most is the relationship that develops with their therapist or counselor. I think on the pie-chart, less than 10% of the healing comes from the actual therapy. I believe it. It is being loved and cared for that actually helps people. I apply that to pastoral counseling too. I also apply that to church services. I totally believe services are like plays. The music, preaching, programs, offering, everything!, is just the stage upon which the actors, we, do our parts. I don’t get hung up with the stage or props, because that’s all they are. How we the actors relate is key. Same with regional meetings. It is the getting together which has any meaning. The actual business carries less than 10% of the value. That’s why I put about 10% of my effort into props.

Then, coming home, our teenagers provided some new challenges to Lisa and I. So I get up to teach this morning utterly spent, only having had about 3 hours fitful sleep, very little preparation time, and emotionally weak and vulnerable. Thank God the Spirit doesn’t mind our weakness, but revels in it.

But something interesting happened at church this morning that I would like to share with you tomorrow. I feel the message was one of the most important ones I’ve ever preached. Pivotal and central to what I’m about, as well as our church. Check in tomorrow.

The pic is taken from my friend, Jorgen Klausen’s photography.

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