Good Luck and Good Night

Good Luck and Good Night January 14, 2007

Here’s a pic of one of my son’s, Jesse, who’s turning 18. He’s finally and finely dressed in one of the first suits I ever owned. I took this today because he just looked so funny in his fine Russian hat, expensive Italian shoes, and the suit. He’s looking sad because he’s just being a goof. He’s usually hilarious. But he’s not usually dressed up like this. I love him and I like him too which can be rare for teenagers. I’m up at 2:37 a.m. because he just called again and needs a ride home, so I have to go pick him up. His curfew was 1 a.m., but he called at 1 to beg an extension, and we granted it. He was going to get a ride home but a friend changed his mind or something. I have to get up in about 3 hours to get my stuff together for the worship service and my sermon this morning. I’m just telling you all this so you’ll understand why we pastors can seem to suck on Sunday morning or seem absent-minded or out of it. It’s because if we have teenage children, we’ve been up half the night. Anyway, wish me good luck and good night.

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