Farmer Peter’s Party!

Farmer Peter’s Party! March 19, 2007

Peter and Debbie McCready, farming friends who are a part of our community, had a party for Peter’s birthday last night. All were invited. It was packed! Above is a pic of just one of the rooms in their huge old farmhouse (1786!). Food galore! Man, can Debbie cook! Fresh homemade bread and hot pepper cream cheese, homemade lamb and barley soup, as well as homemade hot and sour soup. Homemade cakes and pastries. Wow. Wine from Chile to South Africa were there to spare and beer from Saint John to Belgium packed the fridge. Smokes lurked about too. (I’ve stopped. Yippee!) Some newer people of our community came and got a first time taste of our parties. They rock! If you want to see what we are like laid back and relaxed, as well as hilariously funny, catch us at a party. I love the freedom people express in this community. The morning at church was awesome. People got some real unconditional love that was sorely needed. The main theme was that we must stop trying to be someone else… someone we’re not. Not even Jesus! We are to be ourselves, not some image of ourselves. And we are to love others as they are, not love the image we have of them. God loves us as we are, just as we are, so why pretend to be someone or something else? This makes for a beautifully chaotic diversity in our community that delights me. These people are all amazing. Amazing, just like all of you are, my dear readers. And it is as simple as that!

I did the two paintings above a few years back. They are of the McCready farm, winter and summer versions. The winter one pretty much captures the mood of last night. Peaceful, free, and warm inside. The summer one’s for sale, already matted and framed, if anyone’s interested 8)

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