A Few Items

A Few Items May 10, 2010

A couple of things to mention:

We didn’t go to our church again yesterday. We heard from several people that they missed us. The new pastor, who is my good friend, called me today to see how we were doing. We had a nice long chat. He’s a great pastor and I recommend him to local people who are looking for one. And I recommend Rothesay Vineyard to anyone looking for a unique church that I think is quite healthy, except for the sick parts.

I was interviewed last week by Travis Mamone of a podcast blog called coffee chats podcast. You can listen to the interview here. A little bit more gets revealed every time I’m interviewed. I have another scheduled soon. I’ll let you know.

I have been invited to go to Haiti by Adventures in Missions. You can read more about Adventures here. A few church bloggers have been selected to go at the end of May to document with their blogs what is going on there. I’m honored to be invited. The main goal is to increase awareness and compassion in other countries so that American churches can partner with Haitian churches during this difficult time of rebuilding. Stay tuned for more.

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