cartoon: “Wild”

cartoon: “Wild” November 29, 2010

This is drawn with pen and ink and graphite pencil on Strathmore heavy acid-free vellum. You can buy the original or a fine art print HERE. Even though I consider this image tastefully PG, I have made available a version of the fine art print with a dress on the young woman, courtesy Photoshop.

Again, another image from the depths of my unconscious emerges. Obviously there is something going on with a deep urge to be free and to live with the consequences of this freedom. It has everything to do with me leaving the church’s payroll and the comfort and security my position within the church provided. I’m having difficulty adjusting to this new landscape, this new wilderness. And I may never, for then it wouldn’t be unexplored terrain anymore.

This young woman is wild and loves to be wild, beyond the fetters of control and convention. She can function very well in society when she has to, but she is most comfortable with the night and with all things untamed and untameable. This pair of wolves are her companions. I have captured an image of her most essential self: free and wild. I’m calling her Sophia.

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