cartoon: evil responsive reading

cartoon: evil responsive reading February 15, 2011

Caution: Based on true events!

This exact scenario has never happened to me. Fortunately my last separation from a church was cordial. Although in 2002 I was “dismissed” from a church the same week my wife’s dad died in our home. We never heard from anyone except literally a few people. These people are still friends. The rest… we never existed.

But I’ve heard similar stories from pastors where this cartoon’s depiction actually happened. I mean, there wasn’t a responsive reading but there was this kind of verbal exchange.

I want to thank my good friend Doug Mawer for the “responsive reading” idea.

Are you a pastor who needs to talk with another experienced pastor who’s been through it? Email me and we can arrange it: haywardart at gmail dot com (read more…)

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