dealer worse than user

dealer worse than user May 16, 2011

I’ve had many people tell me forthright that they like praise music that is all hype because it makes them feel better. They’ve also told me they like hyped-up sermons for the same reason. I’ve had people leave my church to go to another one that provides the hype I wouldn’t so couldn’t provide.

When they tell me this I totally understand. I really do get it. Life is hard. For many people it is unbearably difficult and disappointing. When they take the time and expend the energy and spend the money to go to church or listen to worship music or a sermon, they want something that is going to relieve the pressure, ease the pain, and inject them with a happy sense of hope. Even if they know it is artificial. It is sad and vain.

What gets me is when churches intentionally employ these methods. It’s one thing when someone craves these. But it’s another when another offers them knowing they are just addictive tactics and gimmickry. The dealer is worse than the user. I know one pastor who has since left the ministry who was told by his authorities that his worship music must always be positive, optimistic and celebratory because that’s what people want, that’s what will keep them coming, and if you provide it consistently they will become your strongest supporters. Especially financially.

Another pastor told me during the whole praise music renaissance to hurry up and write worship songs… any old crap would do… because they were selling like hotcakes. There was money to be made!

Religion is so vulnerable to the temptation to be exactly as Karl Marx described it: the opiate of the masses. And it isn’t just from the top down: powers and authorities realize how easily it can captivate people. It’s also from the bottom up: people want to be captivated and will pay through the nose for it.

I should admit I am guilty of this on both ends.

The cartoon “lies, clichés and teasers” is a variation on another recent cartoon I did called worship.

You can buy the original hand-drawn cartoon. Just email me. Or you can buy a print here.

I published a book of cartoons that addresses issues like these. For just $9, order Nakedpastor101: Cartoons by David Hayward“, from,,

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