how you do anything

how you do anything August 6, 2011

Many years ago I was going through a very difficult time as a pastor and was struggling to be a good husband to my lovely wife Lisa. Lisa confronted me with my hypocrisy: everybody thought I was such a great guy and I taught such awesome truths about grace and love, but sometimes I treated her so lovelessly… which made her wonder.

I took a long trip into the woods. I meditated on 1 Corinthians 13… the love chapter. After hours and hours of just sitting in the middle of the forest, it suddenly hit me: the source of all that I do is my heart. It is my heart who loves or my heart who hates. It all comes from there. Love loves indiscriminately. Undivided. If my heart loves this one but despises that one, the problem isn’t with that one but with my heart. If my heart gets disturbed and frustrated and acts out lovelessly, it is my heart that is the issue.

I suddenly realized that how I do anything is how I do everything. How I love the littlest thing is how I love the greatest thing.

It percolates down into everything. How I regard my enemy is how I regard my friend. How I treat my adversary is how I will treat my aide. How I talk to my provoker is how I will talk to my encourager. Because it is all my heart. Not the objects of its love.

I knew then I had a life-long commitment to this truth.

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