choice lamb

choice lamb December 13, 2011

I receive emails everyday from people who have left the church. They share with me their struggle to learn how to live without it. Here’s a slice from one such letter:

We were told to leave a church because we had become tools of Satan in the fellowship. So we were handed over to Satan to do his will for punishment. All because of a difference of opinion regarding actions we believed were unloving.

Anyway, person after person has encouraged me to find another church with comments about how much I need it, and how in danger I will be without it.  My gut is that I will be trading one concentration camp for another, and I even picture barbed wire in my mind.  All promise they will be safe places for me.

I am one of the voices who tells myself that I will be in danger without a local fellowship. It’s exactly as you said — I don’t even believe that I can safely walk in freedom.

When we say we are welcoming, do we examine what that means? What do we mean? What do people think we mean?

You can go to my Amazon page to order Without a Vision My People Prosper. My first book of cartoons, Nakepastor101, is also available there: CLICK HERE!

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