question or drown

question or drown December 14, 2011

One man realizes his life depends on the question. The other would rather die than live with the question. I have come to know this to be true. Life is found in the question. It is as paradoxical as the cross.

My new book is out, Without a Vision My People Prosper. It is a collection of my arguments and cartoons challenging visionary thinking in the church. Order here!

Several people have already given great reviews. But one of the most consistent comments the book receives is that it is a sustained question. Which is what I wanted. Here’s some of those comments:

Through the power of his pen, he draws cartoons that lay bare the questions that dare not be spoken inside the walls of institutional Christianity. Those looking for answers will need to search elsewhere but for the rest of us living in the gray, David offers hope and healing with his cartoons that make me laugh through my tears.

The very first thing that will strike you about this book is that it is full of questions. In some cases there are answers, in others there are David’s thoughts about possible answers, and still others are simply unanswerable. I found all of the above quite challenging to apply in my own walk of faith inside and outside the walls of the local church.

David’s work is difficult to pigeon-hole: Christians cut from a certain cloth may find his penchant for celebrating question over statement a little too uncomfortable for their liking – but this is perhaps exactly why such people should be gently led by the hand and shown the beauty of this book. I’d encourage anyone to buy it if they, or someone they know, has been tempted to walk away from anything to do with Christianity – you’ll not find the answers to your questions here, but you may find a reason to hold onto any hope you do find.

The book follows a linear pattern in that it is ordered chronologically as the author wrestled through his own questions. But none of us really solve life’s big questions; we keep coming back to them anew… “Without a Vision” is primarily a “question book,” but not without answers – or at least some ideas on how we might find answers in our own communities.

Order your copy today… for yourself or for someone you know should read it! CLICK HERE!

(This cartoon first appeared on

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