my interview on sexuality with Claremont Journal of Religion

my interview on sexuality with Claremont Journal of Religion June 23, 2013

I was interviewed by The Claremont Journal of Religion concerning sexuality, gender, LGBT, etcetera. I found it very engaging, and I hope it gives you, my readers, a better idea of where I stand on these issues.

Here’s an excerpt:

“This  is  the  problem:  no  matter  how  open,  accepting  and  caring  religious  organizations  are  towards  marginalized  groups,  if  these  feelings  don’t  translate  into  policy  then  it’s  empty  speech.  It  means  absolutely  nothing.  As  some  young  people  I  know  exclaim,  “‘I  will  pray  for  you  is  just  Christianese  for  ‘Fuck  you!'”  Intention  requires  action.  It  must  turn  into  practical  policies  that  make  a  tangible  difference  in  people’s  lives.”

You can read the entire interview here.

By the way, I love doing interviews, especially audio-recorded ones. If you would like to have me as a guest, just let me know. I’m game!

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