the demon of breastfeeding in public

the demon of breastfeeding in public August 10, 2013

beelzeboob public breastfeeding cartoon by nakedpastor david hayward

How would you cast this demon out? Where would you lay your hands on the woman? I’m sure it could become a popular new ministry.

Is Beelzeboob more powerful in a 38D than a 32B?

And where would you cast Beelzeboob out to? “I bind thee Beelzeboob in an underwire bra forever!”

A video of a woman defending her right to breastfeed in public was circulating the web yesterday. Don’t mess with her! I started to think of a cartoon to address this issue as soon as I saw it. Then, when a friend messaged me this morning asking if I had any cartoons about Christians, the church, and breastfeeding in public, I knew it was time.

This is what I cooked up. You know, I could write a lot about this. Why is the new modesty incentive increasing in popularity? Why is purity culture gaining momentum? Why are men blaming women for men’s issues? Why do we continue to try to control women? Why is our culture sexualizing everything about women? Why do women have to wear their mammary glands in public?

But Beelzeboob is enough for a Saturday morning.

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