the blood of Jesus and LGBTQ solidarity

the blood of Jesus and LGBTQ solidarity September 9, 2013

rainbow blood of jesus cartoon by nakedpastor david hayward
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No, Jesus didn’t bleed rainbow blood. But I am certain that his story is one of solidarity with those who are labeled, marginalized and persecuted because of who or what they are.

It was one thing for the religious to oppose Jesus. But once they marshaled the corroboration of the government, then they could successfully exterminate him.

This is happening to gays now in Russia. As happened to Jews in Europe. As happened to people of color in the USA. As happened to the aboriginal peoples in Canada. As happened to…

The life of Jesus is about advocacy. It is about solidarity.

The Lasting Supper is a safe place of solidarity and advocacy. I invite you to join us.

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