December 17, 2020

Allow your feelings about the holidays to come to the surface.  They may be complicated, they may not be happy, and that’s totally okay. Read more

December 15, 2020

The hustle and bustle of the holiday season in a normal year can get to anyone and can make it difficult to stay grounded and centered. Read more

December 10, 2020

Instructions on making your own mini-broom, perfect for sweeping unwanted energies away! Read more

November 25, 2020

I have a statue of Guan Yin, the Asian Goddess of Compassion, in my yard. I was out there taking a photo of her this morning, when I heard “chirp, chirp.” I turned and looked. A chickadee was standing on the lip of the bird bath chirping at me. And I felt gratitude. Read more

November 13, 2020

Triskaidekaphobia is the fear of the number 13 and Friggatriskaidekaphobia also known as Paraskevidekatriaphobia is the fear of Friday the 13th. Read more

November 12, 2020

Yuletide 2020 is shaping up to be a quieter, smaller, and more solitary affair. That doesn’t mean it packs any less of a punch, though. Read more

November 2, 2020

I pray that we wrap ourselves in the purple cloak of the Wise Woman who guides us at the crossroads. Read more

October 31, 2020

In her series on the Wheel of the Year, Mary Ann Clark writes about Samhain. Read more

October 28, 2020

You just never know when what you do and how you carry yourself will make a positive impact for someone else, if even for just a moment. Read more

October 20, 2020

Prometheus: I am proud of stealing fire for the humans. So I’ll just have to wait here until Hercules comes along and frees me. Read more

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