Do We Really Hate Homosexuals That Much?

Do We Really Hate Homosexuals That Much? February 27, 2013

Right now I’m currently going through a great book called The Great Evangelical Recession (which I’ll post a review about later). In it, the author asserts that evangelicals are predominantly known for one thing among the American public: we hate homosexuals. We’re not known for the gospel, or our love for each other, or our charity to the poor, orphans, or widows. We’re known for our hate, specifically aimed at the homosexual community.

I remember my denomination (Southern Baptist Convention) making waves several years ago when they boycotted Disney because of their stance on homosexuality. Yesterday I read an article in a Baptist publication where the top official in the Southern Baptist Convention called on Southern Baptists to mobilize and put pressure on the Boy Scouts of America to keep homosexuals out of leadership positions. Once again, evangelicals coming out against the homosexual community.

My beliefs on homosexuality aside, is this really what evangelicals want to be known for? That we hate a certain group of people? Is that really what Jesus called us to? How many times did Jesus speak out against homosexuality (something prevalent in the culture of that day)? None. How many times did Jesus engage in the culture wars of his day? None.

There are tons of biblical commands that aren’t being followed today: greed, divorce, gossip, malice, murder, jealousy, etc. Why are we picking one out and making that the focus of our hate? Is that the message we really want to send to America? Not the gospel, not the hope of heaven, just that we hate homosexuals?

Evangelicals, let’s be better than that. Let’s be more Christ-like than that.

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