How to Make 2013 Better than 2012

How to Make 2013 Better than 2012 December 31, 2012

Looking back on 2012, did you accomplish everything you wanted to accomplish? Were you intentional about your year, or did you allow another year to slip through your fingers? Did you spend more time watching CSI than reading a worthwhile book? Did you spend more time playing Angry Birds than working on your personal growth? If so, don’t let 2013 be the same as 2012. Be intentional. Here are four simple steps to make 2013 better than 2012:

1. Set worthwhile goals. I know this seems simplistic, but too many people walk through life without setting personal goals. For a goal to be worthwhile, it needs to be:

a). Specific – setting a goal of “losing weight” isn’t specific enough. How much do you want to lose? 20 pounds? 30 pounds?

b). Attainable – setting a goal of losing 100 pounds in one year is probably not attainable. Setting a goal of winning the lottery is definitely not attainable. Set a goal that will push you, but is attainable.

c). Measurable – your goal has to be measurable. “Becoming a more loving person” isn’t a measurable goal, unless you tally hugs at the end of the week. If you don’t make your goal measurable, you’ll never know if you attained it.


2. Create a game plan. Once you set a goal, create steps to get there. If your goal is to lose 30 pounds in 2013, a game plan would include the following things:

  • What will you stop eating?
  • How often will you exercise?
  • When do you want to lose 5 pounds by? 10 pounds?


3. Make it public. This is where our goals become real. Post your goals in a public place. Put them on your refrigerator. Post them on Facebook (if you’re brave). This invites accountability, which you’ll need to make it to your goal. If you make it public, here’s what you’ll find:

  • People will rally around you. The people closest to you love you and will fuel you with encouragement.
  • You’ll inspire others to set their own goals. Many people want to better their lives, they just need inspiration. You can be that inspiration.


4. Celebrate along the way. When you meet a milestone (whether large or small), be sure to stop and celebrate. You’re beginning to maximize your full God-given potential, and that’s amazing!

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