Over the past two weeks at MTVchurch, we’ve shared what I’ve called the “MTV Family Covenant.” It’s our commitment to one another as a church family. It encompasses our driving passion of creating contagious communities of hope as well as our foundational practices (we do life together, we serve not sit, we breathe hope, we embrace the messes). Several church members have asked for a copy of it, so here it is. May this covenant truly become who we are as a church family:
We are family. I will not sit on the sidelines but will roll up my sleeves and do life together, because I need you and you need me. Even with my flaws, I know I am embraced here, and I will always embrace you, mess and all. I will never give up on you because Jesus never gives up on me. I will never fight with you, I will always fight for you. I fight for family, and we are family.