Personal Growth Goals – March Update

Personal Growth Goals – March Update March 30, 2013

Here’s a quick update to the goals I’ve set for myself for 2013:

Mental Growth

1. Read 26 books and write a review on it (on my blog) with lessons learned. I read two great books this month, Unleash by Perry Noble and Oxen by Joseph Sangl.

2. Listen to 150 podcasts/sermons and keep notes of what I’ve learned (via Evernote). 10 podcasts in March.

3. (re)Memorize the Book of John. Still on chapter 3. 


Spiritual Growth

4. Write out the Book of Proverbs by hand. Chapters 5 and 6 written out.

5. Read the Old Testament one time and the New Testament four times. I’ve read every day in March. In 1 Samuel (Old Testament), finished the New Testament.

6. Log a solid week (168 hours) in prayer (quality time is found in the midst of quantity time). 7 hours and 30 minutes. Great time praying this month!


Personal Growth

7. Blog 150 times to share what I’m learning about life (I always learn better when I’m teaching it to someone else). 13 blogs in March.

8. Write an ebook. Not yet. Hoping to make headway on that in the summer.

9. Miss out on 2 weeks of sleep (336 hours) to accomplish my goals (getting up 1.5 hours early most days). 22 hours and 45 minutes in March.


Physical Growth (Health)

10. Log in one solid week of exercise (168 hours). 7 hours and 30 minutes.

11. Do 50,000 pushups in 2013. 2,000 pushups in March.

12. Meet minimum requirements for Army boot camp once a month (to wage spiritual war I need to be in good physical health). Haven’t run yet.

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