The Beauty of the Mundane: Making the Rocks Cry Out

The Beauty of the Mundane: Making the Rocks Cry Out November 4, 2013

It’s just another Monday. Nothing special. You get the kids up and off to school. You sit in your first period class trying to comprehend geometry or at your desk, beginning the Monday slog of unanswered email.

No one usually looks forward to Mondays. They’re mundane, predictable, unexciting compared to the excitement of the weekends. It’s hard to think about beauty in the mundane. And yet, your typical Monday is an opportunity to make the rocks cry out.

In Luke 19:40, Jesus says that “the very rocks will cry out” and glorify God. Think about it. Rocks don’t do anything. They literally sit there. There’s nothing fantastic, nothing exciting, nothing invigorating about what they do. They literally sit there and soak up space. That’s it. And yet Jesus says they cry out and glorify God.

There is beauty in the mundane. Your Monday can glorify God. Your typical routine can be something that cries out praise to the Most High God. Here are a few things you can do to glorify God on this mundane Monday:

  1. Stop and thank God for all the things you take for granted. Your family, your health, the fact that you have a job and a decent income. Thank him for everything that seems normal to you. There are a few billion people that would love to have your normal.
  2. Do everything you would normally do with a smile on your face. Answer email with a smile. Catch up at the water cooler with a smile. Do your school work with a smile. Let the joy of Christ emanate from you in even the smallest ways. It all glorifies God.
  3. Go out of your way and serve someone. Help someone with a project. Take an interest in their family life. Spend those extra few minutes to give them attention. Find a way to serve someone else, and make the rocks cry out.

Today is just another mundane Monday. But is has the opportunity to be something spectacular. Make the rocks cry out.

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