The Seven Phrases Most Critical to Success

The Seven Phrases Most Critical to Success March 8, 2013

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Ephesians 4:29

Bill Hybels, pastor of Willow Creek Community Church, recently shared a great message on the words that we use. The end of that message was so powerful, I wanted to share his thoughts with you. Bill Hybels sat down with a retired businessman who had started a company from scratch and built it to be one of the most successful companies in the nation. Now in his 80s, this man shared with Bill some of the key phrases that he attributed the lion’s share of his success to in his business. See which ones you need to implement in your interactions with others.

You can do this.” Fear stops many people from achieving their best. They need someone to remind them they can do it.

I believe in you.” Everyone needs to hear encouragement. Everyone needs to hear that someone believes in them.

I trust you.” When you convey trust, the recipient will feel empowered and enabled.

I need you.” People need to be reminded of how valuable they are to your overall success.

I’m proud of you.” We live for the approval of others. Be liberal with your praise and affirmation.

I respect you.” When people know they’re valued, they’ll work harder and achieve more.

I love you.” The greatest human emotion is love. It touches the deepest part of who we are.

Words matter. What phrases do you need to utilize better in your interactions with those around you?

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