When a Church Throws a Prom for the Special Needs Community

When a Church Throws a Prom for the Special Needs Community April 14, 2016

For the past decade, I’ve been a part of a very special event that you wouldn’t expect to see in a Baptist church: a prom. Baptists and dancing have had a long and storied history, but this is different, I assure you. Every spring for the past decade the church I’ve had the privilege of serving at as thrown a Joy Prom, a prom for the special needs community. It’s an opportunity for folks from all ages in the special needs community to come together and have a night where they are the kings and queens. Other churches and businesses throughout the community partner with our high school students (who serve as dates) to prepare this incredible event. Watch the video below to catch a glimpse and see the results of what happens when Christians come together to bless a very special group of people.

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