Why We Created a Next Steps Desk at Mt Vernon

Why We Created a Next Steps Desk at Mt Vernon February 28, 2014

Next StepsThings are always changing at Mt Vernon. One of the major changes we made in the past month was replacing our information desk with a Next Steps desk. We didn’t just keep the same desk but change the signs. We actually turned the old information desk into a coffee bar and built a Next Steps desk from scratch. Why?

1. We’re not an event driven church, so an information desk was useless. Every church seems to have an information desk, but it’s based on the assumption of a superfluous amount of special activities that happen outside the Sunday morning experience. We pour everything into our Sunday morning experience, making each one a special event. Thus, the need to fill up the calendar with extraneous events is negated (and with it an information desk).

2. We place high value church-wide in taking the next step in your faith. We constantly use the language that your Christian faith is a journey, a series of next steps. We are not called (nor are we content with) merely attending and consuming. Church attendance is not the goal of our faith at Mt Vernon. Taking the next step is.

3. We’ve identified several primary ‘next steps’ for people to take. On the back of our Connection Card, we’ve identified several next steps. We aren’t claiming these are the only ones, but they are some of the most common: salvation, baptism, share my story, life groups, membership, prayer, serving @ mt vernon, project hope, financial peace university, imagine campaign, 90-day tithe challenge.

4. We built a Next Steps desk in a place of primary importance to help people grow in their faith. When you first walk in our Welcome Center, you’ll see our Next Steps desk. The logo, look and format of the desk information matches the Connection Card. It’s our primary place of information, not of church events (we do that through email/social media), but of helping people take the next step in their faith.

We believe the difference is slight but absolutely crucial to be a healthy, growing, vibrant church.

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