Full Moon in Scorpio Tarot Reading

Full Moon in Scorpio Tarot Reading May 10, 2017

As we move into May’s full moon, occurring in Scorpio, I asked the cards for advice on how we can best utilize this full moon energy. It’s so interesting because two of the cards that came up in this reading also came up this morning in my “last day of the moon cycle reminder” reading that I did as part of the May Tarot Challenge I am participating in on Instagram. Well, life is simply filled to the brim with synchronicities. 

For our full moon reading I pulled The Magician, the Six of Wands, and the Knight of Cups. 

We can best utilize the full moon energy this month by focusing our intentions and wills on overcoming obstacles to bring about the manifestation of our long-awaited dreams. So, what is standing in your way and what will it take to get past it (either by going over around)? 

Be bold, go big, be confident, assert yourself, and celebrate the big achievements. Don’t waste any energy on self-doubt. Trust that the Divine supports your dreams. 

 We can utilize the energy by allowing ourselves to be conduits for creativity and to take action on our projects and goals. This means trust and allowing the Divine to work through you (like how an artist creates). 

This is also a great time to be emotionally open, to connect with our deepest dreams and desires, to nurture our souls and relationships, and to be vulnerable with each other. Share what is in your heart with loved ones. 

Full Moon Blessings to you ��⭐️�❤️ 

If you would like a personalized full moon reading, click here 

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