Gay marriage in Sweden: markedly higher suicide rate

Gay marriage in Sweden: markedly higher suicide rate August 16, 2016

Just when mainstream culture thought acceptance of gay marriage was a done deal, and that it is indisputably true that gay marriage is equal in every way to heterosexual marriage . . . along comes disturbing news.  A new Swedish study, using government data, finds that people in gay marriages are almost three times as likely to commit suicide as those in opposite-sex marriages.

And this is in Sweden, where there is near-universal celebration of gay marriage.  So the results are most likely NOT related to cultural rejection of homosexuals, which is nearly zero in Sweden.

Here are excerpts from a new report on this study.

“Homosexuals who ‘marry’ each other are almost three times more likely to commit suicide than their heterosexual counterparts, even in very gay-friendly Sweden, according to a study published in the May issue of the European Journal of Epidemiology.”

“Studies done of homosexuals in the Netherlands, which is the country most accepting of homosexual behavior in the world, have found that homosexuals suffer from significantly higher rates of mood disorders, anxiety disorders, substance abuse disorders, suicide attempts, eating disorders, and panic attacks.”

“The behavior of homosexuals, which often involves high levels of promiscuity and instability in their interpersonal relationships, results in rates of 10-20% HIV infection of homosexuals living in urban areas, as well as elevated incidence of herpes and the cancer-causing Epstein-Barr virus, syphilis, anal cancer, and other diseases.”

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