Anglican Primates are clear and compassionate

Anglican Primates are clear and compassionate October 18, 2016

Last week in Cairo the Anglican leaders of the Global South told the world that they

“cannot condone same-sex unions as a form of behaviour acceptable to God. To do so would be tampering with the foundation of our faith once for all laid down by the apostles and the prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone (Ephesians 2: 20-22; 1 Corinthians 3:10-11; Jude 3).”

But at the same time, they added, “we are not minimizing the sinfulness of other forms of behaviour that are contrary to God’s character and pattern for humankind. . . . Our pastoral approach is to accept people for who they are, just as God accepted us for who we were. We oppose the vilification or demeaning of those who do not follow God’s ways.  We affirm that every person is loved by God, so we too must love as God loves. Our role is to restore them to God’s divine patterns by inviting them to receive the transforming love of Christ that gives them the power to repent and walk in newness of life.”

For the full statement, click here.

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