Finding Rest on the Weary Road

Finding Rest on the Weary Road September 20, 2018

Yes, my soul, find rest in God. My hope comes from Him. Psalm 62:5 NIV

Sometimes the path we find ourselves on isn’t one we would have chosen. A serious illness, a diagnosis … it can change everything. We look around sometimes and feel incredibly alone. There is no option to just take the day off. The fatigue that follows us around can feel so heavy. 

When your days are full of phone calls to providers, driving to appointments and endless advocating it can make you wonder … does God really see me? Will He provide? Does He sees that some moments I’m crumbling under the weight of my world? 

Maybe you’ve been there. Perhaps you’re there right now. You can’t see the glimmers of light breaking through the fog yet and you wonder if you can make it through another day. You’re scared and maybe even a little angry. 

Let me tell you a little secret. God is bigger than your current circumstances. He hasn’t left you alone in this wilderness. He placed you where you are with a purpose. Right now today, He has created a little spot on the path for you to rest. He knows every detail that troubles your heart at this very moment. He cares so deeply for you.

And when we meet Him there, something changes. Caregiving becomes more than diaper changes, transfers and medicine syringes. Days have more purpose than merely getting your child to yet another appointment. When we look to Him we catch glimpses of His perspective. One that is so much more beautiful than we could imagine on our own. 

Where are you at on the journey today? Are you feeling beaten down and worn? Is it hard for you to hear Him through the thunder and storms? Quiet your heart and receive all that He has for you today. Let Him be your rest. One day you’ll look up and see things with a greater perspective. 

Lord, You alone are my one true hope. Help me find my rest in You. Give me the courage to trust You when my life doesn’t make sense and my vision is clouded. Lead me along on the path You have prepared for me. In Jesus Name, Amen

Shelly Roberts is a dedicated wife and mom to 8 kids from around the globe (3 grown & 5 at home). With God in control, Shelly’s family has experienced twists and turns that have made for an inspiring story. Serving in foster care brought the new dimension of disabilities to her family, transforming their hearts to welcome these children as daughter and son and advocate for vulnerable children. Shelly understands the unique dynamics of a family that has complex-needs kids and desires to encourage and lead other families to the One who is bigger than our circumstances. Whether camping out in a hospital room or at home enjoying time with a grandbaby, she’s learned to find joy in the moment and to trust His grace for each season:

Shelly’s post today represents the devotions featured in Fall Devotions for Special-Needs Families. Click below to get your free copy!

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