November 21, 2014

Our church has been working through Romans 8 in our worship gatherings for several months. I originally anticipated moving through this chapter in five or six sermons by covering five to ten verses per sermon. The anticipated speed died down after covering only one verse in one sermon and only three in another. Romans 8 ministered to me and taught me many things throughout my Christian life, but years of life and difficulties brought new life to this chapter as... Read more

November 20, 2014

              Science Says Lasting Relationships Come Down to 2 Things Most marriages would be exponentially better if husbands and wives learned how to treat each other with basic kindness.  Emily Esfahani Smith discusses how social scientists have discovered this basic fact and shares how they came to their conclusions. “Contempt, they have found, is the number one factor that tears couples apart. People who are focused on criticizing their partners miss a whopping 50... Read more

November 5, 2014

              Social Media’s Soulless Society Writing for the ERLC, David Prince discusses our tendency to depersonalize people through social media. “Christians ought to be those who stand up in our soulless society and declare that these events are not a video game and that we are not talking about avatars but about men and women who are God’s image bearers.” 15 Things to Start Doing By the Time You’re 30 We tend to pick... Read more

October 29, 2014

In two weeks Southern Baptists from all over Alabama will gather at Lakeside Baptist Church for the Annual Meeting of the Alabama Baptist Convention. We will celebrate what God has done among us in the last year, hear of plans for the future, and elect officers to lead us for the next year. Each year the State Convention passes resolutions. These non-binding statements express the concerns and opinions of Alabama Baptists on important events in our churches and culture. This... Read more

October 22, 2014

In three weeks Southern Baptists from all over Alabama will gather at Lakeside Baptist Church for the Annual Meeting of the Alabama Baptist Convention. We will celebrate what God has done among us in the last year, hear of plans for the future, and elect officers to lead us for the next year. Each year the State Convention passes resolutions. These non-binding statements express the concerns and opinions of Alabama Baptists on important events in our churches and culture. This... Read more

October 10, 2014

                “Husbands, Hold Your Wife’s Hand” R.C. Sproul Jr. shares the most important lesson he learned through his wife’s illness and death. “It is both awkward and encouraging the feedback I have received over the past few years for the writing I have done during my beloved’s illness, homegoing, and absence. I especially rejoice when I hear that the things I have written have served another in a time of hardship. It remains... Read more

October 9, 2014

Several studies over the last few years examined the habits of families at dinnertime. While more families are having dinner together five nights a week than they were fifteen years ago, a concerning percentage of families still don’t gather around the table for dinner on a regular basis. No one needs to spend much time thinking about why this might be the case. Practices, long commutes, the easy availability of fast food, and homework war against this simple, yet effective... Read more

October 2, 2014

                Audio from the Desiring God National Conference The plenary sessions from this year’s Desiring God National Conference focused on Romans 8. I’ve heard great reviews of these messages and can’t wait to listen to them and several of the breakout sessions. “Internet Trolls are Narcissists, Psychopaths, and Sadists“ This Summer I experienced the world of internet trolls for the first time in a while when I replied to Sam Ponder on Twitter... Read more

September 29, 2014

Americans sleep less than their forefathers did. Stress, caffeine, television, and the internet work together to deprive us of one of the things we need the most. Unfortunately we trick ourselves into thinking we don’t need sleep. In fact, we are tempted to see ourselves as weaker for needing sleep. When I was in Seminary, there seemed to be an unspoken competition to see who could go the longest on the smallest amount of sleep. Not sleeping to study for... Read more

September 25, 2014

                Why Family Meals are Important Brian Howard shares why we should prioritize the family dinner table. He offers four great things that happen during family meals. “At our house, we make it a point to have family meals as much as possible. We have dinner together at least 5 nights per week and often have breakfasts or lunches together on the weekends. When I say “together” I mean that we sit down... Read more

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